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We train every Monday and Wednesday from 20:00-21:30 in the dojo of the Hogendorp Sportcentrum.

Our training season is from 15 August till 18 July, in summer we organize a training program in the open air.

The fee is 20 euro per month, Stadspas-holders and students 15 euro per month.

Payment of fees please by periodic transfer to the IBAN account number NL48 INGB 0008 0090 28, BIC code: INGBNL2A in the name of Chakin Shibori Dojo.

You can enjoy two free trial lessons. In the dojo, we train barefoot, in loose-fitting gym pants/t-shirt or karate suit.

You can download the registration form here. Your personal data are processed and protected in accordance with the GDPR Act.


Dojo of the Hogendorp Sportcentrum
Van Hogendorpstraat 921
1051 CE Amsterdam




Tel.: ++31(0)6 448 04 558

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